This is how you can get the details Event Log Description from Windows Event Viewer. The script is available on Windows OS.
cscript c:\windows\system32\eventquery.vbs /fi "Type eq Information" /fi "Source eq Print" /fi "ID eq 10" /v /l System /fo csv > Event_Viewer_System.csv
The syntax I used was to filter (/fi) out
Events equal the type “Information”
filter out Source equal to “Print”
filter out ID equal “10" and have a verbose (/v) output
from the System log (/l System)
output as comma separated file (/fo)
and redirect the result to a file > filename.csv
Sample File Output:
"Information","10","12.05.2009 13:24:48","Print","Servername","None","AD\username","Document 232, filename.pdf owned by username was printed on printername via port IP_192.168.0.254. Size in bytes: 279232; pages printed: 1"
This method also can be use to export from any Event Viewer data log like Application, Security, Internet Explorer or other logs you have on your system.
Source URL:
Source URL :
Source URL: